Friday, February 4, 2011

smile even though you're heart is breaking.

So after 6 1/2 years of being with my boyfriend we decided it was best to just be friends and do our own thing. We're still living in our apartment together, he has his own room and I have mine. We still hang out and talk but I think the title and pressure of being in a couple is gone. It's a good decision. It was hard, but it needed to be done.

It got me thinking of other couples and what their relationship is really like. Lot's of couples look happy but are they really? In our relationship we weren't unhappy but we weren't the greatest either. I'm sure in a year we'd be really unhappy if we were still together and things were still the same. We were mostly just staying together because it was comfortable and all we knew. I feel bad for couples that stay together for this reason, or because they can't break up (obligations, house, kids, etc).

As much as it hurts at times and the thought of him going out and doing things without me, or dating someone else, it's for the best. I know I'm going to have to deal with feeling alone and stuff, but I know as time goes on that feeling will subside. I'm kind of looking forward to being single. Kind of.

The thought of dating doesn't appeal to me right now. The thought of meeting some random guy is scary and weird to me. I don't know how to flirt and do all that kind of stuff. I got with my boyfriend when I was 19 and we met so naturally. We hung out a bit at a local venue and just got together that way. No weird awkward dating. I don't know how to do the date thing, especially being much older now.

It's all so weird to me but I know it will work out and things will fall into place. I just have to focus on why we broke up, how we needed to and know things will be okay in a couple of months (hopefully).

This blog will be mostly about relationships, dating, break-ups, hook-ups and what I notice about couples that I see together. I guess I'm kind of copying Carrie from Sex & the City, oh well, I'm probably not the only one.

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