Sunday, February 13, 2011

fu v-day.

So it's 12:21 which means it is now Valentines Day. I am starting this day off with listening to some Hayden which is depressing me a little.

I think this day is a load of crap. Really. It's a stupid holiday to put pressure on couples (mostly men) to go out and buy generic crappy stuffed animals, crappy heart shaped chocolate and overly expensive flowers. Wow, sounds fun. It's a day to shower your love for your partner and to express how you feel with a Hallmark card. If you don't, you're in trouble. Why is it that you have to do this stuff on this specific day? Why not every day or one day a month? It's a load of crap.

So why am I feeling depressed and lonely? Why am I being that bitter cynical girl? Am I jealous that someone is not showering me with all that cheap crap? Maybe. Maybe it's cause this day is to rub it in single people's faces. "HEY YOU. SINGLE PERSON, YOU DON'T GET TO PARTAKE IN THIS DAY CAUSE YOU HAVE NO ONEEEEEEEEEEEEE". What are single people supposed to do on this day? Why not have a Single's day? Huh! Where's that day?

Ok, I'm getting a bit aggressive here (doesn't help that Hole just came on my itunes).

I think it's just a waste of money for couples and for singles it's just a smack in the face. (not that being single is bad, cause it's not, but when you're newly single, it's bad)

So go out and buy nothing. Act like it's not V-day. Go shower your loved one with candy next month. Go do all those mushy things next week. Don't use this day because society tells you too. Don't give in.

I'm going to go out tomorrow and ignore everyone and celebrate the fact that I'm single and that's fine.

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