Monday, February 7, 2011

jealousy is a disease.

How do you go about not being jealous after a break-up? When you're ex goes out and doesn't invite you, when he talks about other girls, or when he doesn't act the same way towards you, it's hard not to get jealous. When at one point you did everything together and didn't ask if it was okay to come, now you have to make sure it's okay if you come along or go to the same social gatherings, etc., it's quite of an adjustment. Do you just have to grin and bear it and suck it up, realize this is life and you just have to move on? How do you deal with it though?

Jealousy is one of my weaknesses. I don't know how not to get jealous. So it's hard to deal with this. Right now it's okay, it's under control because he's not dating anyone or looking, but once that happens it's going to be a whole other story.

I guess in this case it's just a form of rejection, in a way. Because there's not much to be jealous about but when you're left alone and he's out, it feels more of rejection than jealousy. Though why is it okay for me to go out and I feel fine about that but how does that make him feel?

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